n Junk Art, players are presented with junk from which they must create art. Thus the name.
Junk Art contains more than ten game modes, along with more than sixty big colorful wooden or plastic components. In one version of the game, players pile all of the wooden or plastic parts in the center of the table, then are dealt a number of cards, with each card depicting one of these parts. On a turn, a player presents their left-hand neighbor with two cards from their hand. This neighbor takes one card in hand, then takes the part shown on the other card and places it on their base or on other parts that they've already placed. If something falls, it stays on the table and the player continues to build on whatever still stands. Once players have finished playing cards, whoever has the tallest work of art wins.
Base / Base - $54.99
Base / Game Cards - $14.00
Seafarers / Hawai'i Scenario - $19.99
Explorers and Pirates / Extension - $31.99
Cities and Knights / Legend of the Conquerors - $45.99
Cities and Knights / Treasures Dragons and Adventurers - $45.99
Traders and Barbarians / Extension - $32.99
European - $24.99
Oceania - $29.99
Asia - $44.99
100 Wingspan Speckled Eggs - $19.99
Star Trek: Chrono-Trek - $22.00
Fantasy - $20.00
Zombie - $20.00
Pirate - $20.00
Star - $20.00
Martian - $20.00
Doctor Who - $22.00
Base - $34.99
Big in Japan - $24.99
Cease and Desist - $24.99
Excellent Movies, Dudes! - $24.99
Oops, You Did It Again - $24.99
Pretty Pretty Smash Up - $24.99
That 70's Expansion - $24.99
Smash Up