The Imperium stretches across countless worlds, a newborn empire on the brink of ultimate victory. Yet at the peak of this golden age of conquest, the galaxy has been plunged into an Age of Darkness. Horus Lupercal, Warmaster of the Emperor's armies, has turned against his gene-father – and the eighteen Space Marine Legions, once united in a Great Crusade to consolidate all humanity beneath the Emperor’s banner, are riven by betrayal. This is the Horus Heresy – the bloodiest conflict humanity has ever known, civil war on a galactic scale, in which superhuman soldiers clad in advanced armour turn devastating weapons upon those they called brothers. Where do your loyalties lie?
Warhammer: The Horus Heresy is a miniatures wargame that pits mighty armies against each other in apocalyptic tabletop battles. Choose your favoured Loyalist or Traitor faction, from the knightly Dark Angels to the duplicitous Alpha Legion, build your own army from a range of spectacular Citadel and Forge World miniatures, and clash with fellow players in wargames of staggering tactical depth.
The Book
This 336-page hardback book is a treasure trove of lore, illustrations, and background information for the far-future setting of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, with comprehensive guides to help you build and paint your collection of models. It also includes the core rules for reenacting the ferocious conflicts of the Age of Darkness with your own armies, and an explanation of different modes of play to suit any hobbyist.
Stand Alone Base Game / Original - $39.99
Stand Alone Base Game / 3 - $34.99
Stand Alone Base Game / 6 - $39.99
Stand Alone Base Game / 7 - $39.99
Expansion / Cormac - $14.99
Expansion / Zariah - $14.99
Expansion / Keet and Nitrel - $24.99
The Red Dragon Inn