- Aqshy and Ghyran narratives
- Background information concerning the Grimhold Exile, Marrowscroll Herald, Harbinger of Decay, and Rabble-Rowza
- Showcase of miniatures
- Harbinger Path to Glory Battlepack – six battleplans, rules for establishing communication outposts to request aid from allies, and quests and upgrades for your Harbingers
- Four Regiments of Renown, each based around one of the Harbingers, including background material, a full set of warscrolls, and pitched battle profiles
Stand Alone Base Game / Original - $39.99
Stand Alone Base Game / 3 - $34.99
Stand Alone Base Game / 6 - $39.99
Stand Alone Base Game / 7 - $39.99
Expansion / Cormac - $14.99
Expansion / Zariah - $14.99
Expansion / Keet and Nitrel - $24.99
The Red Dragon Inn