Deep within the icy, barren continent of Antarctica lies a secret: one so ancient and profound, it threatens to tear apart our very understanding of the planet we call home. When a professor and his student finally come clean about the truth between the tragedy of their recent expedition into the heart of Antarctica, their warning goes unheeded. And so investigators decide to follow in their footsteps—to venture into the frozen wilds; into deserted, alien cities and across treacherous peaks—and to discover the truth that could end the world as we know it.
In the Edge of the Earth campaign expansion, one to four investigators embark on a dangerous expedition consisting of anywhere between four and ten scenarios. Who in their team will make it back alive? Who will perish in the icy depths? And what will they discover in the phantasmal depths of their own madness?
Base / Original - $49.99
Expansion / Rivals: Flash vs. Reverse Flash - $25.00
Expansion / Crisis Expansion Pack 3 and Crisis Expansion Pack 4 - $39.99
DC Deck-Building Game
Base - $34.99
Big in Japan - $24.99
Cease and Desist - $24.99
Excellent Movies, Dudes! - $24.99
Oops, You Did It Again - $24.99
Pretty Pretty Smash Up - $24.99
That 70's Expansion - $24.99
Smash Up