Draw out details with depth and shadow with Shades.
Thondia Brown - $5.00
Mephiston Red - $5.00
Khorne Red - $5.00
Phoenician Purple - $5.00
Death Korps Drab - $5.00
Gal Vorbak Red - $5.00
Night Lords Blue - $5.00
Citadel Colour: Base
Canoptek Alloy - $6.00
Yriel Yellow - $5.00
Xereus Purple - $5.00
Wild Rider Red - $5.00
White Scar - $5.00
Wazdakka Red - $5.00
Warpstone Glow - $5.00
Citadel Colour: Layer
Mephiston Red - $23.99
Macragge Blue - $23.99
White Scar - $23.99
Retributor Armour - $34.99
Lead Belcher - $23.99
Mechanicus Standard Grey - $23.99
Death Guard Green - $23.99
Citadel Colour Spray Paints
Bad Moon Yellow - $8.00
Imperial Fist - $8.00
Ironjawz Yellow - $8.00
Iyanden Yellow - $8.00
Nazdreg Yellow - $8.00
Flesh Tearers Red - $8.00
Blood Angels Red - $8.00
Citadel Colour: Contrast